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Andreas wrote:
> Am Dienstag, den 09.05.2006, 13:36 +0200 schrieb Pascal Bleser:
> [snipped lot of stuff about deserving an email address]
> I can't believe you guys are arguing about who should get what kind of
> email-address. How about we have Novell create a new mailing list:
>           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> has a nice ring to it, does it not?

The point wasn't so much about the email address or not, it was more
about a structure, process, whatever to try to get discussions into a
somewhat more effective path.
Up to now many threads get somehow diluted into sticking on 2-3
unimportant details, ad nauseum, making the actual topic irrelevant and
in the end, nothing agreed upon, nothing decided, 1 step forward, 2 step

Too bad I had to try to explain "meritocracy" down to nitty gritty of
one example (opensuse.org emails, in this case).

Seems that exactly the same thing happened again.

> Well, I just started contributing to opensuse by translating a couple of
> pages on the wiki (oh, darn, I should post that to the opensuse-wiki
> mailing list I guess), so according to you I would not (yet) be eligible
> for an opensuse email address, but if it was up to houghi, I would
> actually get one.
> Guess what? I couldn't care less about another email-address or not.

What's the problem, if you don't care about it ? ;)

> What I care about is that I virtually can't find any information on
> opensuse.org that goes beyond how to download the latest release.

Right. And it's probably the biggest challenge as far as a large wiki is
concerned: how to organize and categorize pages to find them easily,
say, on looking at 2 or 3 (index) pages at most.
Not that the challenge is wiki-specific, it's just related to
documentation in general. Indexing is an art of its own.


>> Really, what's wrong or "ugly" with that ?
>> Does it sound like apartheid ? ;)
>                      ^^^^^^^^
> that was totally out of line. smiley or not.

Ummm... well, you're picking a single line totally out of context.
Thank you for trying to make me look like an ass, that's a particularly
nice and appreciated move.

>> BTW, do I sound arrogant or harsh to you ? Well, I'm trying to push
>> things forward and at some point it involves making statements and/or
>> speaking on behalf of others, either to be agreed upon or to trigger
>> reactions, discussions, decisions and actions (in that order ;D).
> No, not arrogant, but losing yourself (and some really good points in
> your original posting) in imho totally fruitless discussions about some
> really. really, really (may I say it again: really!) unimportant things.

Probably. I guess I just shouldn't have reacted to some replies in the
first place that were picking single, unimportant elements of the mail
and spending too much time on explaining those until they become irrelevant.
I just wonder whether it's tactics or not. I'll try not to fall into the
same trap again.

How about giving your opinion about the "really good points" in the
original posting ? Maybe it's still possible to not dismiss the whole
thread just because of that.

- --
  -o) Pascal Bleser     http://linux01.gwdg.de/~pbleser/
 _\_v The more things change, the more they stay insane.
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