> You're wrong. Suse Linux never came with binary Nvidia and/or ATI drivers. You
> always had to dowload them. There is _no_ change here.

I am not wrong (at least in the case of NVidia). On previous versions, a user 
could download and automatically install the Nvidia driver just by selecting a 
check box in YaST Online Update.

> This was always the case. You always needed kernel-source to recompile the
> kernel modules after an update.

Actually, if a user installed the NVidia driver using the above method (YOU), a 
manual recompilation of the driver was NOT necessary. Read the first paragraph 
of the following How-To:

The same happened with Smartlink and AVM binary drivers.

> But now, you have the possibility to build a 
> proper kmp module, which might work also after a kernel update.

The only certain things so far are:
   - The NVidia driver is more difficult to install in 10.1 than on 10.0.
   - A sysadmin has much more trouble managing workstations and servers (yes, 
servers too) because after each kernel security update he needs to recompile 
binary drivers that before he didn't need to worry about.
   - Lots of users will believe their laptop's modems don't work on Linux, even 
though their are Smartlink based. On previous SuSE versions the Smartlink 
driver was automatically installed and configured.

I can't see any advantage for users in this Novell decision. If somebody can 
find one advantage, please show me.


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