Am Mittwoch, 17. Mai 2006 09:25 schrieb houghi:

> I don't see this negative naming of calling it registration, especially as
> there is an opt-out.

As it *is* a registration it should also be called registration.
> What I would do is calling the 'Later' something that will make it clear
> that it is optional,


> or add a third option (That does the same as the 
> 'later' option) called: `I do not wish to register`.


... and if the data gained by this registration is really useful and valuable 
for further improvements, why not point out and shortly explain why and how 
the users will benfit from the results?

Registration is not bad per se, but many politically progressive persons (and 
of course people coming from the M$-world) are allergic to any form of 
registration - for good reasons. The private data that M$ steals from there 
users and then uses it against the interests of the users is one of the 
reasons why I never, never would use XP on one of my PC's.

So it's quite understandable when people get suspicious of a system asking for 
registration and I'm sure it's worthwhile to spend some screen space for a 
honest and clear statement about the contents, reasons and use of the 
collected data. People will understand and be happy to contribute somewhat to 
the improvement of this great project. At least that's what I think.

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