On 5/18/06, Carl-Daniel Hailfinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Peter Flodin wrote:
> Excellent! Novell has apparently just 'solved' all Linux driver issues,
> in a single swoop.
> If what they are proposing takes off, it will be really good. The end point
> if I have understood right, is going to the computer store and there are
> green lizards on the hardware boxes, saying it has a driver for SUSE.

Exactly. A driver for at least one SUSE kernel. Not a driver for Linux.
From the FAQ:
"The technology is all open source and included in openSUSE. Novell is
providing and explaining the inner workings of this technology to the
industry and other Linux vendors. Our intention is to further the
general adoption of Linux."

So the scenario is this (shoot me if I am wrong):

I buy some hardware from a vendor that is taking part in this.
I install the hardware, and it is registered in Yast as an add-on -
this tells YAST what kernel the driver is for and an update URL.

If I go and update my kernel, YAST knows there is a dependency from
this driver and it will go and check the update URL, if the vendor is
good, they will have updated their driver (perhaps even using the
openSUSE Build Service), and my kernel is updated along with driver.

Will vendors jump on board? I would be surprised if Novell has not
approached some vendors already, before announcing such a thing.

Peter 'Pflodo' Flodin.

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