On Saturday 03 June 2006 15:46, BandiPat wrote:
> Thanks guys, Michael & Graham,
> For telling me things I already knew!  Except maybe for the screensaver
> thing.  I thought someone from SUSE on another list said QT3 .119 fixed
> this, but guess not.

If you knew that the supplementary repositories are provided as an extra then 
it makes your posting to the mailing list complaining about an issue with 
them doubly worse. In fact it seems downright rude and inconsiderate.

Next time why not try this instead

"Thanks for going out of your way to provide us with extra updates. I 
appreciate the extra time and effort you have gone to in providing us with 
these extra packages.

By the way there seems to be an dependancy issue with package 
foobar-x.x.x.rpm, how would you suggest i resolve it?

keep up the good work and thanks again!"

But then again I see you whining on the other lists too, perhaps as you say on 
those lists it *is* time you move to slackware, I'm sure they will be more 
tollereant of you whines on their lists, not.


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