houghi wrote:
> Not wanting to highjack a thread, I start a new one. People having issues
> with the wording of my standard reply, please tell me *here* what it
> should be. As I believe this is (unfortunatly) on-topic here, I won't
> reply to any personal mails concerning this subject.
> What else can we do then point out each time we see a technical discussion
> starting? My idea is to kill this list, as it already is lost and make a
> new one: opensuse-community.
> Anybody other (better) ideas?
To answer your original post:

It think it should be shorter. With no apologies.


This is intend to get you the best support for now and in the future.

The mailinglist for technical help is on *suse-linux-e*, the openSUSE
mailinglist is about the community.

Just subscribe via this email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED],
post your original email again there, and you will get a straight answer.


Although I would like the Opensuse-list to be merged with suse-linux-e
and be about technical questions. Since it's more logical for newbies.
Opensuse-ideology, opensuse-discussion or
opensuse-beyond-the-thunderdome should replace this one. As Community
doesn't say to much, about what's going on here.

To Houghi: Keep up the good work!

To everyone: Maybe you should try to write more like a Zen master, even
when people are calling you a f**king idiot. It will only reflect more
badly on them, in the mean time strengthening your point.

My two øre(Norwegian cents)

Kenneth Aar

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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