I love the new 10.1, i got the highest end nvidia just for it, and compiz kicks 
Here is my problem,
I have no preference between KDE and Gnome as long as they can do the basic 
stuff i need,
and with alot of mono stuff i do, gnome is the better choice,
but i have been a kde user up until now.

One thing i use with KDE that i really NEED is window placement,
i have dual monitor set up, and popups just some up smack dab in the middle of 
frame borders between the monitors, in KDE i could go into advanced settings
and alter this, by specifing the it remember the position.
Also i use slickedit and want its windows to be arranged specifically to when 
they come up.

Now i love compiz/gnome but i can't figure out in gnome how to get this simple 
i went to KDE/compiz, but compiz (when started) removes the menu (on the window 
that allows the selection of advanced options.

So have i really lost this important feature by now having jumped to compiz?
i have googled and found nothing about this, probably because compiz is so new.

Would it be hard to add to gnome, something that just said, hey check this 
window title against a list, and if its there place it at a certain position 
and size on the

My system is  a tyan dual opteron with 9GB a RAM
and one thing i am finding is that compiz crashes 1-2 times a day, so i have a 
that just issues   
compiz --replace gconf
and this little annoyance actually hardly bothers me, i am thinking since 
386-x64 is a
pretty rare platform still, that it will not be a reliable as 386-32?
I also find amarok crashes just about everytime i do something to it,
i.e. about 50 times a day, but its an immediate restart and it doesn't do it 
(immediately anyways).
Since i jumped to 10.1 (compiz) and dual opteron at the same time, unfortunelty
i dont know what is more to blame.

I am going to buy SLED 10 anyways cause i want the legal mp3 stuff included.
I need to also figure out how to set up a chroot for mplayer (other media)
to still use win32.dll's for codec's. Any advise, links would be appreciated.
Man, for a non-techy user, linux would be a real bitch and a half to people
running new amd 64bit systems, if they need wmv support :(

My beef about SUSE is the people griping about package management slowness ...
i mean, how many times do you update packages, and can one not multitask?
i think before people pick on something that might have them waiting 1/2 hour? 
for an entire
year? they might want to optimize their email experience that they use many 
10's of times a day,
this whole "suse is crap because package managment takes an extra 1 min." is 
just so idiotic.
.. just flip screens and do something else while you wait, or go grab a drink, 
its not like
you have to do it alot! I am a developer,and i package manage about once per 
and i set it to do its thing, and them i am off doing something else - i can 

Plus if you really value your time that much, as i do, start by buying 9GB
RAM for your system, with all the time you save in a year by doing that simple 
cheap task,
you can spend all the time you save, many many hours package-managing until 
your hearts
content!!! :)


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