On Mon, Aug 21, 2006 at 01:14:46PM +0200, Kenneth Aar, Grafikern.no wrote:
> WARNING: Long e-mail.
> I have still not seen a good explanation of how you should install SUSE
> 10.1 on the website.
> Therefore I have put this up on the wiki in plain sight:
> The package manager in SUSE 10.1 is regrettably broken on most systems.
> To correct this you should do the following after you have installed SUSE:
> * Open Yast chose "online update configuration" , click next and wait
> until finished.
> * Press the updater icon on you taskbar/panel
> * If it updates, congratulations, all is well.
> * If it throws up an error. Close it.
> * Install the alternativ package manager/updater SMART. Read the how to
> [[SMART HowTO|here]]
> You probably also want to read about [[Using_10.1|Using 10.1]] and the
> [[Bugs:Most_Annoying_Bugs#SUSE_Linux_10.1_.28Final.29|Most Annoying Bugs]].
> Do with it as you please. I think it's a start. We must admit our
> weaknesses before we can be truly strong.

I added some better HOWTOs and killed the SMART reference.

Ciao, Marcus
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