
Janne Karhunen schrieb:
> x86-64 boxes still need 32bit software (flash, video codecs et al).

A few 32bit packages are indeed needed. For libraries, these are the
-32bit named packages; for packages which are not primarily library
packages, there is no special indication in the package name.

> And I take it this is the way things are going to be for long, long
> time.

Yes, and it really works if people do it correctly, by installing the
-32bit.x86_64 packages and not the i586 packages. Installing the i586
packages is plain wrong in most cases.

> BTW: installing 32bit Firefox on x86-64 is easy, but has anyone 
> succeeded running both 32bit and 64bit konqueror on the same host?
> Installs fine, but screws up KDE completely as files collide :/.

Installing kdebase3.i586 on x86_64 systems in order to get a 32bit
konqueror is plain wrong and unnecessary. Install kdebase3-nsplugin.i586
instead. That one doesn't collide with anything. konqueror itself does
not need to be 32bit in order to support 32bit plugins!

Do not try to be smarter than the packaging scheme used by the
packagers. You are breaking your system that way.

Andreas Hanke
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