in general, I did the same thing, but I still can't see my server "live". I know I have to do something else - but can't figure it out. today I was in library and didn't find anything about this in any of the books I read.

Clayton wrote:
On router Forwarded all incoming calls to port 80 on (ip of
the server, xxx - see next question :)).
Can't see the server (timed out).

What else I have to do to be able to see the server from "outside" (inside network works fine)? Can sombody point to some manuals on internet that I
can follow? All stuff I found (google, CoolSolutions, arhive) wasn't any

xxx issue: How cam I define IP e.g. to my server by using
Yast? Because of some problem with router, I had to restert/reset the
router several times last month and, since use DHCP server on router,
every time I got different IP for my server? I know it's possible to
sefine IP for server and it will stay always the same, but can't figure
out how?

I'm running my own webserver behind a standard router firewall.  I had
to assign a fixed IP to my computer that is running the webserver and
forward the specific port (80) to the specific IP in the "Virtual
Server" tab of my router setup pages.  Once I did that, my webserver
was able to be contacted from the internet.  I didn't need to do
anything odd in YAST (other than tell it my NIC had a FIXED IP instead
of using DHCP).

Does this get you rolling the right direction?

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