On Friday 03 November 2006 21:38, James Oakley wrote:

I got the video by wget, but i think im having the same problem as someone 
else............ no sound.

plays fine when streaming though....... streams from some omedia. something.

> On Friday 03 November 2006 7:22 pm, Carlos E. R. wrote:
> > The Friday 2006-11-03 at 18:38 -0400, James Oakley wrote:
> > > > Then your network is better or nearer the source. Here I can't fill
> > > > the buffer more that 40%, so it doesn't even start. Ah, the getvideo
> > > > download saved nothing in two hours and a half, I just stopped it.
> > >
> > > The file is at
> > > http://files1.novell.com/cached/video/microsoft/mswebcast.flv
> > >
> > > The reason getvideo didn't save it is because it's loaded by
> > > javascript.
> >
> > I had the following command running during two and a half hours, till I
> > interrupted it:
> >
> >   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/getvideo> getvideo
> > http://files1.novell.com/cached/video/microsoft/mswebcast.flv Traceback
> > (most recent call last):
> >     File "/home/cer/bin/getvideo", line 34, in ?
> >       page = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
> >     File "/usr/lib/python2.4/socket.py", line 285, in read
> >       data = self._sock.recv(recv_size)
> >   KeyboardInterrupt
> >   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/getvideo>
> Ah. getvideo downloads objects parsed from html. I used it to save videos
> by handing it the url from my browser's location bar, which is faster than
> looking through ugly html and, in many cases, piecing the url together
> manually.
> Handing it a url to the actual video will cause it to parse the file as
> html, which would result in a lot of grinding. :-)
> If you already have the video url, wget is the appropriate utility.

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