El Sábado, 4 de Noviembre de 2006 14:01, Pascal Bleser escribió:
> It's a PR and sales move by Novell. There are certainly still a lot of
Unfortunately I think it's a bad PR move.... like EV1-SCO was. It may seems 
good for your customers but ...
> It has absolutely nothing to do with MS playing nice, nor Novell playing
> nice with MS. It's an agreement. It's business and big money.
> Will it kill Novell ? IMO it will be quite the opposite (read above).
Most often than not deals with MS have turned very wrong for the other party, 
but that's Novell problem. The point is what MS will do (or already it is 
doing) with such agreement to damage the whole community.
> Nothing has prevented MS from trying to attack Linux businesses on
> potential IP litigation before.
That's true but....
> The only bad thing about it is: Novell is acknowledging IP/patents.
which in turn may make easyer a sucessful attack
> > would you use and promote SCOldera OpenLinux?
> Geez, comparing apples and pigs here.
> Novell is a major contributor to opensource by having a lot of
> developers on a lot of OSS projects on its payroll.
It's not apples and oranges, just an applicable example.
Caldera was..... a major contributor to opensource by having a lot of 
developers .....
And look it now.
> Funny how everyone (especially outside of Europe) thinks this means
> Novell would suddenly turn pro-swpats in Europe.
No, I'm not saying that Novell will turn pro-swpats, only time will show. I'm 
telling that it makes easyer for MS to argue that swpats don't hurt 
> It does protect MS from infringement claims against Novell's patent
> portfolio.
> > Weakens patent commons efforts
> Still to prove.
Novell's patent portfolio is part of some such commons, now MS is protected 
from Novell (of course, there is still IBM et al)
> Stop believing ECMA and ISO have anything to do with ethics.
Who believes that? :-D
> MS and Sun are already "collaborating".
> Is Sun a MS shop ? hardly so
Murky waters here.... sharks.... SCOs.....
> However, the agreement does mean that mono, OO.o and samba will not be
> attacked by MS through IP infringement claims.
Only in Novell products, so it is not so good news

> Sorry but you just wrote a lot of very hypothetical stuff that is really
> far-fetched and drawn from your imagination.
Thats true, it  is hypothetical, and so is the stuff written by those who 
think this will be good.
> Mind you, I'm not really happy about the agreement either, at least
> right now.
> But as said before on the list, "wait and see" is most probably the best
> attitude atm. We just do not know yet whether it will be beneficial to
> Novell SLES/SLED sales, openSUSE.org or the OSS community as a whole.
> It sure looks like it can bring a benefit to all of these right now, but
> we'll see.
Agreed, just looking from the other side of the river.

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