Tony Pott schrieb:
> You're missing the point.

No, I am not, you are.

> Microsoft have been making war against the
> Linux community for years. Novell have elected to make a separate peace
> with Microsoft. This makes Novell no longer part of the community.

Who defines who is "part of the community" or not?

If you had an idea what all this stuff is about, you would know that
people at SUSE are just in this very moment squashing the openSUSE 10.2
buglists in order to have a good openSUSE 10.2 release.

openSUSE 10.2, a product that most users don't even pay for. And the
people at SUSE are doing this on a Saturday, where "normal" people don't
do any work at all. And they will continue tomorrow, on a Sunday, too.

Did I forget that they stopped yesterday, Friday, after midnight, doing
the same? And whom are they doing this for? For you. How many hours a
day are you, the one who defines the community, contributing?

But you have nothing better to do than repeatedly posting the same FUD
bullshit about MS and betrayals and the community. The community are
people who *contribute* to the project and not just talk about it.

There are still people who prefer damaging the project by producing FUD,
which is per se maybe understandable, but then please don't define who
belongs to the community... And feel free to say goodbye if you don't
want to belong to this community anymore. It's OK!

> It's a betrayal, and one which cannot easily be forgiven or forgotten.

No, it is not a betrayal. The FUD which originates from within the
community is a betrayal that cannot be forgiven or forgotten: It's
enough now. No interest on your side in contributing to the project
anymore => No problem, it will go on anyway, but don't go people on the
nerves who neither have any influence on this nor anything to do with this.

> I appreciate you're unhappy that people are using this mailing list in a
> way that you regard as OT. Unfortunately, there is no better place to
> express our feelings, so you're going to have to live with it for a while.

What I'm going to live with and for how long is something I'd like to
decide myself; I have a problem unfairness, what you are practicing is
unfairness because the claim to define who belongs to the community is
just ridiculous and I complain about this. It can go on infinitely.

In other words: Don't announce lengthily that you are going, just do it.
Other will do the same, and many of them will come back. Who cares.

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