How can I setup Firewall and Router through YaST so I can get High ID on aMule?
I believe I must open TCP and UDP ports, but how ?
I have SuSE 10.1
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---[ mensagem original ]---
de: Janne Karhunen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
data: 08-11-2006 20:13:54 2
assunto: Re: [opensuse] Novell Statement on Agreement.

On Wednesday 08 November 2006 03:51, Boyd Lynn Gerber wrote:

> At a Novell conference today the advised reading this and if any question
> post them via the links on the page.

> Q1. How is this agreement compatible with Novell's obligations under
> Section 7 of the GPL?
> Our agreement with Microsoft is focused on our customers, and does
> not include a patent license or covenant not to sue from Microsoft
> to Novell (or, for that matter, from Novell to Microsoft). Novell's
> customers receive a covenant

So these guys *hacked* the GPL by making the customer to *sign the
deal* with Microsoft instead of them. As customers were NOT
consulted when the deal was signed, it was in fact very much Novell
that signed the deal. No matter how the Novell tries to get away
from this. Quotes from Groklaw¹:

'Get it? Novell doesn't get the promise from Microsoft. Its *end
users* do. Ha ha, GPL. Except that the end users are also licensees,
according to the GPL license. Licensees who are not allowed to
redistribute, Novell and MS told us, without losing the patent
promise, speaking of specifics, according to the deal made on their
behalf -- without asking them to agree or not -- and on top of the
GPL license they already got.'

'And if it is true, as Novell asserts in the FAQ, that Mono doesn't
infringe any patents, and there are no specific patents involved,
and no threat of litigation was in the air, and their SUSE doesn't
have any patent infringement issues with Microsoft, who needs a
Patent Cooperation Agreement about absolutely no patents at all?
Well, there aren't any patents except if you are not using SLED;
then there are. And then the bogeyman will get you. And he throws
chairs. And how come Microsoft has to pay so much more than Novell
for the same promise? Riddle me that, Batman.'


// Janne
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