On 11/10/06, Per Jessen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
JJ Gitties wrote:

> I am migrating to Ubuntu because, the way I see it, if I am going to
> use an alternative OS to "help the little guy who is trying to make a
> difference". Then by golly, it better be a "little guy".

There isn't very much about Mark Shuttleworth and his achievements that
says "little guy" to me.

> Once you partner with Microsoft corporation, you are not the poor
> struggling little guy trying to make that difference anymore.

I think Novell paid USD211million for SUSE - not much "little guy" there

Okay. Well you are absolutely right. I think what I really meant was when I say "little guy" is the guy who does not have a 90% monopoly grasp on the OS, browser and application market.


"*We* need to convince OpenSUSE to fork, or let 'em die. To bad, it is a wonderful Distro. But their parent company is NOT our friend."

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