On 2006-11-13 01:42, houghi wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 12, 2006 at 09:29:01PM -0800, Scott Leighton wrote:
>>     With your suggestion, to achieve the same effect one
>> would have to have this 'signature' script running in the
>> background, say with cron, every minute or so dumping
>> the output to a text file that is the file specified as the
>> signature attach file in Mozilla/TB. Course, this assumes
>> that Mozilla/TB doesn't cache that file, in which case
>> even the cron example wouldn't work.
> No, use a 'named pipe'. [man mkfifo]
> That will run a command as if it were a file (like ~/.signature) or run a
> file as if it were a command.
Maybe I am missing something. The best I can do is to make a fifo,
"mkfifo -m <permissions> fifoname", set Mozilla/TB to read that as the
signature file, then create a shell script, scriptname, and finally
periodically run

<path>/scriptname >> fifoname

Are you sure this is no different than simply running a cron to
overwrite the signature file, if Mozilla/TB caches what it reads? (Not
that it should be doing any such caching at all, but lately I've begun
to wonder about some of the things it does do :-) )

Still, this is something that should be integral to the useragent, not
something that has to be faked in any way, particularly in such a
non-trivial way. I doubt such options are even open to Windows users.


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