Per Jessen wrote:
> J Sloan wrote:
>> That was naturally a first thought, but for one, the price per seat is
>> no longer $50 with SLED, and also, isn't SLED just a bit light on the
>> desktop apps side of things? I haven't verified, but I got the feeling
>> it wasn't quite the same.
>> What they really want is not SLES10, but rather SLEDS10 but at a
>> SLED10 price.
> If price is a significant criteria - which I wouldn't have thought when
> you're looking at supported corporate solutions (the SLEx series) -
> what you want is openSUSE.  That's SLEDS in a nutshell.

That's pretty much the consensus view among the linux-using techies I know -
i.e SLED10 is really nice, we'd even recommend it to aunt mildred, but for our
own workstations we'd rather go for the full monty in opensuse.

IMHO If price *isn't* a criteria, you're mismanaging your resources.

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