Hello again,

On Tuesday 14 November 2006 08:43, Randall R Schulz wrote:
> I've recently begun to get some odd behavior from Konqueror when I
> use it as an info file viewer.
> Specifically, I enter an "info:" URL (say, info:a2ps) and I see the
> main page, complete with links. But when I click any of those links
> I'm not shown the corresponding secondary page. Instead, I get an
> alert asking me how to handle the target of the link:
>       Open 'info:/a2ps/Important parameters'?
>       Type: HTML Document
>       [] Do not ask again
>       [Save As...] [Open with Firefox...] [Cancel]

If it sheds some light on this, I've discovered that "KDevelop 
Assistant" does not have this problem, even though it appears to be 
sharing some components with Konqueror (specifically, the rendering 
looks very similar).

So I have a work-around (KDevelop Assistant), but I'm still curious 
about why Konqueror has developed this system which it did not have in 
the past.

Randall Schulz
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