On Tuesday 14 November 2006 23:02, Boyd Lynn Gerber wrote:
> Novell is making an effort to get us to understand the agreement.  Take a
> look at the IRC log from last week.
> Take a look here
> http://en.opensuse.org/Meetings/Status_Meeting_2006-11-08/transcript
> There will be an other session probably next week.

I'm afraid that a lot of people have already made up their minds.  I think it 
would take Novell giving away all the millions of dollars they're getting to 
free software organisations before they would even be listened to.  People 
aren't looking at the $400+ million Novell now have to develop Linux and 
FOSS, they look at Balmer's aggressive statements and decide on that basis. 

Once the 'patent' word was used, rational discussion went out the window for a 
small but vocal minority, alas.


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