On Wednesday 15 November 2006 11:45, M Harris wrote:
> On Wednesday 15 November 2006 11:30, Rob Wright wrote:
> >  I can do conversions in the KDE calculator, but it won't allow me
> > to put in a network address, or at least I haven't been able to figure
> > out how yet.
>       Would you be more specific about what it is that you are trying to
> accomplish. Are you wanting to use the calculator "over" the network, or
> are you trying to do some kind of calculation on network addresses, or
> something else?  Just curious.

I'm mostly just wanting to do some calculation on network addresses, sub- and 
super-netting, netmasks, bit masks, etc. For instance, I'd like to be able to 
put in a network address like, tell it how many networks I'd like 
to split it into, and get back the masks, etc. Or put in the address and get 
the bitwise output much like ipcalc does, or in hex. I don't want to use it 
over the network, just on my desktop. 

The Solarwinds product mentioned by Alexey looks like what I'd like to use, 
but it's for Windows. 


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