On Friday 17 November 2006 14:13, Peter Nikolic wrote:
> OpenSuse should fork   and it should Retain the SuSe trademark  and the
> Original ideals   . Novell was a bad idea from day one
        Peter... this really is true... and I'm not being sarcastic.

        Linux must come from all directions--- not from a single corporation. 
was a bad idea... because Novell is interested in money instead of being 
interested in OSS.  

        Yup, its time to strip it back, call it SuSE again (or give it a new 
and head off with a new prong (fork that is). 

        Actually, it is high time for M$ to go away. 

        Actually, it is high time for M$ patents to go away.

        Actually, it is high time for all software patents to go away. 

        You guys heard it your selves... Ballmer *believes* that Linux contains 
innovation... wait... the roccos laughter is almost as explosive as the night 
ALGORE claimed to have invented the Internet.... I'm sick to my stomach.

Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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