into electronic streams flowing thru the cosmos On Sunday 19 November 
2006 1:11 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi, this is the mlmmj program managing the mailinglist
> You have tried to post from this email address:
> But this address is not subscribed, and only subscribers may post to
> the list.
> If you believe you are correctly subscribed, please check the email
> address you subscribed with in the welcome message, or check the
> headers of any message to the mailinglist.
> If you want to be able to post from more than one email address, you
> can subscribe the other addresses to the nomail version of the list.

As I was trying to say , but got bit by the same gremlin. again! Sorry. 
I have been fighting w/ Kmail all night it keeps switching to as the default even tho that hasn't even been a choice 
for more than about 6 months or so..  Who knows what is going on. but 
I'll work on it tomorrow.

If a hurricane doesn't leave you dead; it will make you strong. Don't 
try to explain , just nod your head. Breathe out breathe in, move on.
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