On Wednesday 22 November 2006 10:19, Erik Jakobsen wrote:
> Hi.
> I have just installed Kdetoys with the intention to get Kweather, but
> I'm unable to find it under applet ?.
> Where is it to be found on openSUSE 10.2 Beta ?

Hi Erik,

I use "pin" when I'm faced with these questions:
(Note: this example is being run on 10.0)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> pin kweather

 grepping /var/lib/pin/ARCHIVES.gz ... please wait

pin 0.34 - package info for kweather

*** no rpm named kweather installed

*** zgrep kweather /var/lib/pin/ARCHIVES.gz

./DVD1/suse/i586/kdetoys3-3.4.2-3.i586.rpm:    -rwxr-xr-x    1 root    root     
4476 Sep 14 13:41 /opt/kde3/bin/kweatherreport

hth & regards,

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