On Sunday 26 November 2006 17:45, Sergey Mkrtchyan wrote:
> Hi List,
> There is a problem with NVIDIA Ge Force 7300GT, my friend has downloaded
> and installed a driver for it from Nvidia's official web-site, though
> the resolution remains to be very small and web-sites are not shown
> normally (letters are getting on each other).
> The preferrable resolution is 1400x900, and it used to work under it
> with SuSE, but he can't make it work now with SciLinux.
> There is a configuration file XFree86 there with lines in it
> _________________
> Section "Screen"
>       Identifier "Screen0"
>       Device     "Videocard0"
>       Monitor    "Monitor0"
>       DefaultDepth     16
>       SubSection "Display"
>               Depth     16
>               Modes    "800x600" "640x480"
>       EndSubSection
> EndSection
> ________________
> Is that the Modes where it should be changed to...what "1400x900",
> "1280x1024"?
> Don't knock me for topic which is not directly related to SuSE, but I
> guess that should be the same for different Linux-systems.
> Thanks in advance.
> Best regards,
> Sergey

I find the nvidia drivers always worked best for me when i explicitly set  the 
options for modes , freqencies and DPI. I also found that in some of the 
driver versions disabling monitor settings probe with EDID sometimes helped 
also as it would over-ride any manually configured options in the xorg.conf

Check out appendix D of the nvidia linux driver docs for the options regarding 
modes and mode validation.


These options mentioned in appendix D should usually be place in the 'device' 
section but maybe also the 'screen' section. 

For example here I deny the driver the ability to probe my monitor for valid 
modes using the  Option "ModeValidation" "NoEdidModes" directive, this allows 
be to manually set my modes in the xorg.cong file

Section "Device"
  BoardName    "GeForce 7800 GS AGP"
  BusID        "1:0:0"
  Driver       "nvidia"
  Identifier   "Device[0]"
  VendorName   "NVidia"
 Option "ModeValidation" "NoEdidModes"

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