M Harris wrote:
> On Tuesday 28 November 2006 16:18, Anders Johansson wrote:
>> so not only would it be against the GPL, it would be against the law, and
>> set Novell (not anyone else) up for a law suit
>> Plain enough?
>       Patented code is not the issue (for me, as far as trust is concerned)...
>       Novell cannot be trusted with the distribution of Linux, at this point.
>       What do you folks really think *interoperability* really means--- 
> between 
> windoze and linux?  ---it means M$ has kernel hooks... one way or the 
> other... 
>       No, Suse cannot be trusted for the future... unfortunately.

Given that Linux, including SUSE is open source, such "hooks" will be
visible.  Novell cannot sneak anything into GPL code, that won't be noticed.

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