M Harris wrote:
>       http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,2068786,00.asp
>       ... and now, we have the future comfort of knowing that there will be 
> better 
> *operability* between M$ and Suse OpenOffice... 
>       I sure hope that doesn't mean that OpenOffice will be affected by the 
> next 
> wave of unpatched zero day attacks....   ( totally tongue in cheek... go back 
> to your chair )
'There are no pre-patch workarounds available. Microsoft suggests that
users "not open or save Word files," even from trusted sources. "'

This "fix" will certainly do wonders for corporate productivity.

Also, according to what I've read, that OO "operability" is based on an
open source plug-in.

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