Anders Johansson wrote:
On Wednesday 06 December 2006 21:30, Geir A. Myrestrand wrote:
Note that procfs is deprecated. It is likely to be removed one day. To
make your solution future-proof you should avoid using it.

procfs deprecated? What are you talking about? It's the first I've heard of it

A google shows that it is indeed deprecated - on FreeBSD. Not in linux, and I can't find any sign that it will be either

Some parts of it are deprecated, notably the device parts, which are migrated to sysfs, but i don't see any signs at all that the rest is going away

Of course I could have missed something - feel free to point me to a resource that says differently

No, I think you may be right Anders, it seems to be portions of procfs that is deprecated --not the entire procfs. I read the opposite in a thesis published on the net [1] and took it for granted, I should have verified first though, or perhaps read it again in case I read something out of context. It probably added to my belief that I knew it was already deprecated on FreeBSD.

Funny thing is I think I've seen references to this somewhere else too....maybe others got this wrong too....I better check more carefully... ;-)

[1] A Movement Notification Library for Mobile IPv6
    Mark Borst
    Master of Science Thesis


Geir A. Myrestrand
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