On 12/08/2006 11:47 AM somebody named Hartmut Meyer wrote:
> Hi,
> On Friday 08 December 2006 17:05, ken wrote:
>> Advocates of the 
>> nonsensical suse method of list operations have told us and continue to
>> tell us (tossing in insults along the way) that they're smarter than the
>> rest of the world and so to change things to a sensible configuration
>> would be making an admission they can't make.  So this list will never
>> change and people will never stop pointing out that it should be
>> changed, users will continue to hear that they need to use some
>> particular mail client in some singular way to read and reply to this
>> particular list and that if they don't, they're stupid and all other
>> lists in the world are stupid too.
>> So we can't harbor any illusions that way this list (mal)functions will
>> change.  We're just going to have to live with it 
> Right. Please "just live with it".
> It doesn't really matter what you or I or any other individual is convinced 
> is 
> the right way to do it (and there are arguments for both sides). It also 
> doesn't matter how other list admins run their lists.
> What matters is what the list admin of this lists feels is the right setup. 
> Nothing else really. That is unless ...
> ... unless he invites people to vote on this.
> And guess what: he did.
> And guess again: the majority of voters wanted it the way it is now (the 
> setup  
> you disagree with). Go and search in the archives. It's just a few months 
> ago.
> Stop arguing about this please.
> Greetings from Stuhr
> hartmut

I hope you feel better now... after telling me to do something I already
said I was going to do.  Thanks for the humor.

Secondly, I wasn't arguing... said-- at length-- that, as silly as it
is, we'd just have to live with it.  That wasn't arguing.  And guess
what..?  I didn't start this thread.   (As if your haughty commands
matter) am I not allowed to follow up on a post here?  Moreover, I was
about to let it drop... until you chose to reply to my post.  (But I
guess you can reply to my post, but I can't reply to someone else's
post?!)  You must believe you are the sole arbiter of who's allowed to
post and/or reply.  How Mitty-esque....  Thanks for the humor.

Finally, I didn't mention anything about voting, but as long as you wish
to expand the discussion to that, I didn't vote because I didn't hear
about it because there's too much noise on this list to read every post
or even every subject line (most of which have no relation to the
content of the respective email anyway).  So add one more vote (mine)
for "Reply is reply to the list" (as if we could vote away non-sense).

You have my permission to reply to this.  :)

"Peace hath her victories no less renown'd than war."
        --John Milton
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