Hello community !

Roger Oberholtzer wrote:

> I have a Dell Dimension 8100 (P4, old nvidia card - nothing fancy) at
> home on which I always run the current SUSE. I tried to install 10.2,
> but did not get very far. I get the menu to install. No matter which
> method I choose, the install stops directly after the initial box
> showing that the kernel is loaded. The screen is blank, and I cannot get
> to the other virtual terminals to see anything. I tested the DVD in
> Yast, and it said the media was OK. Any other way I could see what is
> failing?

Did you try the rescue system, too ?

If this fails, try the option


Years ago I had trouble while installing an older version of SuSE. At
that time pci=noacpi solved my problem ...

Memtest is also worth a try ...
Never give up !

Best regards / Gruß, Reinhard.

"Software is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open."
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