* Susemail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [12-15-06 04:25]:
> On Thursday 14 December 2006 12:08, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> > * Susemail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [12-14-06 15:20]:
> > > # aria2c -help | grep log
> > >  -l, --log=LOG                The file path to store log. If '-' is
> > > specified, log is written to stdout.

> Does LOG refer to the log file? 


> If I use '-l' then aria2c -l logfile is the correct syntax?


> But if I use '-log' then it's aria2c --log=logfile?

it's:  -l LOGFILE
or:    --log=LOGFILE
not:   -log
> What is the command to get aria2c to print to stdout?

 -l, --log=LOG                The file path to store log. If '-' is  specified,
                              log is written to stdout.

woud be:  -l - 
or:       --log=-                              

> > >
> > > # aria2c -l -
> > > specify at least one URL
> > > Usage: aria2c [options] URL ...
> > >        aria2c [options] -T TORRENT_FILE FILE ...
> > >
> > > Options:
> > >  -d, --dir=DIR                The directory to store downloaded file.
> > >  -o, --out=FILE
> > > ...................snip
> > > #
> > >
> > >
> > > # aria2c -l /home/myhome/aria2c.log
> > >
> > > This will not execute. No errors reported, the command is simply erased.
> >
> > It's a _reading_ problem...
> >   aria2c -l ~/aria2c.log -T <torrent_file>
> ' Usage: aria2c [options] URL ...
>       aria2c [options] -T TORRENT_FILE FILE ...'
> I see you left out 'URL' in your example.  Because it is optional?

Usage: aria2c [options] URL ...
       aria2c [options] -T TORRENT_FILE FILE ...
       aria2c [options] -M METALINK_FILE
you have to use a URL 
or      "-T TORRENT_FILE" and you can specify and individual FILE within the iso
or      " -M METALINK_FILE"

> This is confusing.  What is a Torrent file?  

use google.  

> Is *.metalink a torrent file?  

use google

> Which torrent file  is expected here.   

the torrent for the iso you want to download

> I need to set up a log file in order 
> to find out why there is an error (where there should be no error-this should 
> just work imho).  Can you tell me the command using this program that will 
> create the log file so I can move on.  

I have, over and over

> The best I can come up with based on the man pages and emails is:
> aria2c -l ~/aria2c.log -T openSUSE-10_2-GM-DVD-i386_iso.metalink
> 9+
> which doesn't work: malformed meta data.  

You told aria2c to look for a torrent, "-T", and provided a metalink,

> Which raises another question.  
> Which part of this statement is meta data?  All I see is a 
> command:'aria2c';an option '-l';a file: ' ~/aria2c.log'; another option:'T'; 
> and another file:'openSUSE-10_2-GM-DVD-i386_iso.metalink'

the metalink contains the "meta data".
> > The error response from the program told you that a torrent parameter
> >   was necessary
> >
> > > # man aria2c
> > > No manual entry for aria2c
> >
> > 17:01 wahoo:~ > rpm -ql aria2|grep gz
> > /usr/share/man/man1/aria2c.1.gz
> >
> > > So 'aria2c -l -' gives me the help menu, I thought it would print the log
> > > to stdout.  'aria2c -l '-' ' just
> > > disappears.  'aria2c -l /home/myhome/aria2c.log' doesn't execute or
> > > return it just disappears.  I thought it would use aria2c.log to store
> > > the log.
> >
> > same as my first comment
> >   aria2c -l ~/aria2c.log -T <torrent_file>
> >
> > > There are no man pages on my system.  They should be in /usr/local/man. 
> > > I started with aria2-0.9.0.tar.bz2
> >
> > why are you installing tar-balls on an rpm based system when there are
> > rpms build for your system available?  no, no, no
> >
> I went to the sourceforge page for aria2 and there were no suse rpms.  

SourceForge is not an openSUSE site.  Look for openSUSE specific rpms
at openSUSE or openSUSE contributor sites.

> I didn't think to check anywhere else.  I have now installed the rpm
> on top of the tar.bz install.  

You _should_ have removed the tar-ball first.......

> Now I have the man pages but I didn't need them since you had copied
> the log data in your response.  

looks like you still need them, but cannot (?will not?) read them.

> I still get the same error message.

you are still doing the same things wrong.  "a" is not "A" and "-T" is
not "-M" and "torrent" is not "metalink" and if the program requires
specific parameters, they *must* be provided.

> So far the program isn't providing any error/help messages except look in 
> places that don't exist for the error message.

it has, in every instance.  You are looking for or expecting something
that is not there.

> This is a lot of effort for something that should be easy to do.

it is:  

   aria2c -l ~/aria2c.err.log -M openSUSE-10_2-GM-DVD-i386_iso.metalink

will get you what you want, this time.  But the next time, if you
continue to disreguard the instructions and messages the program
provides, you will have the same problem.

note that the log file is only necessary if you have problems.  I don't
use it, but haven't experienced any problems, fingers and ... crossed.

> Thanks  for your help,


ps:  it would be much easier to read and/or respond to your posts if
you would leave an empty line between the quotes and your comments or

Patrick Shanahan                        Registered Linux User #207535
http://wahoo.no-ip.org                        @ http://counter.li.org
HOG # US1244711         Photo Album:  http://wahoo.no-ip.org/gallery2
        OpenSUSE Linux             http://en.opensuse.org/
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