pelibali wrote:

I have postfix running (SUSE 10.0), but would need a cosmetic fix for
it. Several existing clients sending e-mails through that SMTP server
and wouldn't like to keep that part in the headers _where_ they came
from... So I'm in fact looking for a way to change the headers as all
the e-mails running through postfix would originate from the server

Is there any way to easily achieve that?

Kudos for choosing a very good subject line for your problem. I almost assumed that you already knew the answer and just wanted to confirm it. (^-^)

The cleanup daemon of Postfix is performing among other things header_checks. Within header_checks you can search the header line for a pattern and then delete the header line with the action IGNORE.

header_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/header_checks

/Received: from \(relay2\.suse\.de \[149\.44\.160\.89\]\)/ IGNORE

This will delete the matching header from every Mail your server receives.

- it is very easy to blunder with regular expressions. Be as specific as possible and test your expression before you use it on your productive system.
- This will make debugging more difficult
- header_checks are performed on EVERY mail, incoming and outgoing, too many header_checks will decrease performance, bad header_checks will have unwanted results. You are warned.

So, care to tell just WHY the customer wants to have the header erased? Security by obscurity does not work. Any other reason?

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