On Saturday 16 December 2006 14:18, Jorge Fábregas wrote:
> On Saturday 16 December 2006 12:08 pm, BandiPat wrote:
> > Anyone have any luck in finding the problem causing 10.2 not to
> > power down the machine?  As a couple of others here have had
> > happen, I too installed 10.2, but it will not power off the
> > computer.  It will "shutdown", but not power off as with earlier
> > versions.  It's a reasonably new mobo of which I've never had a
> > problem with before with any of the versions of SUSE since 7.2.
> >  The acpi is rock solid, has always worked except for the present
> > build.  Kernel?  Something else?
> Hi,
> Check /etc/init.d/halt.  In order to power off your machine "halt -p"
> needs to run.  There's a conditional statement in the script to
> assign a value for the $command variable (which is the halt command
> indeed) but the switches may vary based on some conditions.  If you
> check "man halt" you'll find the -p switch there.
> I have SUSE 10.0 and I can send you my /etc/init.d/halt if you want.
> HTH,
> Jorge
I'll double check that to be sure, but I think all that is good.  As I 
mentioned, changing the ACPI bios setting seems to have things working 
again, but I've never had to do that before.  At the moment, I'm 
pointing my finger at other things, but for now I'll leave the setting 
at "yes".

Thanks for the suggestion.

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