Andre Truter wrote:
> I can finally hibernate (suspend-to-disk) my laptop again, but now I
> ran into a problem with NFS mounts that are hanging.
> I use NFS mounts to machines at home and I forget to unmount them
> before I hibernate the laptop.  When I get to a client, the NFS mount
> is stale and it screws up a lot of things.  Nautilus crash and the
> machine keeps on trying to get the mount back.
> I cannot unmount it as it is wedged there.  I had to reboot the
> machine to get it to release the mount.  So much for the advantage of
> hibernating.
> In the past I use a wrapper script that checks for NFS mounts and
> unmount them before hibernating.  I could set the battery monitor to
> use that script to hibernate, but now, in SuSE 10.2, the battery
> monitor that is used does not have that option anymore.  The shutdown
> toolbar applet also do not give options to configure anything.
> I also looked in the powersave config and I did not find an option to
> unmount NFS mounts.
> Any idea how one is supposed to do this in SUSE 10.2?
You need to explain how you do your NFS mounts. Theres are several ways
to do it. I personally prefer the automount method, where it does not do
the mount until it needs it. If you do not use the mount sor a specified
period of time, I have min umount the drive. Hoepfully, that will
prevent the stale nfs mont.

Joseph Loo
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