On Monday 18 December 2006 12:49, Clayton wrote:
> > I also have a W2k partition which my son uses for his games.  On W2k it
> > is possible to run a game in 3D on one screen.  When we try to run 3D
> > games in SUSE using Cedega we cannot achieve the same.  In other words
> > what we get is the game spread across the two screens.
> >
> > I have looked at the NVIDIA server settings GUI but I can't find a
> > setting there, nor in SAX.
> >
> > My question is, is what I want to do possible in Linux ?
> It is definitely possible with nVidia cards... basically there are a
> couple of lines you need to add to your xorg file that will tell X
> that when an application wants full screen - like Cedega, it switches
> modes and displays the game full screen on one monitor only.  The
> other monitor is turned off until you exit the game.
> This is actually all nicely documented in the nVidia documentation -
> where I figured it all out.
> What you're looking for is a feature called Metamodes.  I've included
> the relevant parts of an old xorg that I set up manually... this
> worked on dual head setup with an Acer 15 TFT and a 15 CRT.  Note -
> this is a trimmed xorg... the superfluous/unrelated bits have been
> stripped.  If you use this type of setup, you do not need multiple
> xorgs or weird DISPLAY settings, etc.  just the single xorg using
> metamodes.
> I'd highly recommend you go read the nVidia documentation on this
> feature.  It's well documented and has examples etc.

Thanks, I'll have a look at the docs in the next day or so.

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