On 12/17/06, Chip Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This has me scratching my head. After a clean install of 10.2, I am now
unable to access my work website (www.marymount.edu). All other websites
load up just fine.  At first, I thought it was a problem with this
specific website, but
if I dual boot to windows, the site comes up just fine, and if I plug my
laptop (currently running suse 10.1) to the Ethernet, the site also
loads up just fine. So, I imagine something within 10.2 is keeping it
from loading--but not sure where the problem is. I've disabled firewall,
ipv6, but still cannot load the site.
If I ping the site, I get:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> ping -c 3 marymount.edu <http://marymount.edu/>
PING marymount.edu <http://marymount.edu/> (
<>) 56(84) bytes of data.

--- marymount.edu <http://marymount.edu/> ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2001ms

and traceroute give me:

linux-19nx:~ # traceroute marymount.edu <http://marymount.edu/>
traceroute to marymount.edu <http://marymount.edu/> (
<>), 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
 1 <> (
<>)  0.744 ms   0.386 ms   0.396 ms
 2  ip24-250-96-1.dc.dc.cox.net <http://ip24-250-96-1.dc.dc.cox.net/> ( <>)  18.913 ms   25.217 ms   23.428 m
 3  mrfdaggc01.dc.dc.cox.net <http://mrfdaggc01.dc.dc.cox.net/> ( <>)  16.584 ms   12.408 ms   13.617 ms
 4  ip68-100-0-1.dc.dc.cox.net <http://ip68-100-0-1.dc.dc.cox.net/>
( <>)  14.263 ms   9.064 ms   11.708 ms
 5  mrfddsrj01gex070004.rd.dc.cox.net
<http://mrfddsrj01gex070004.rd.dc.cox.net/> (
<>)  13.285 ms   13.319 ms   1      .714 ms
 6 <> ( <>)
16.000 ms   14.546 ms   16.563 ms
 7 <> (
<>)  16.595 ms   15.889 ms   15.372 ms
 8  v3495.mpd03.jfk02.atlas.cogentco.com
<http://v3495.mpd03.jfk02.atlas.cogentco.com/> (
<>)  19.512 ms   20.360 ms *
 9  * * t9-4.mpd01.dca01.atlas.cogentco.com
<http://t9-4.mpd01.dca01.atlas.cogentco.com/> (
<>)  21.644 ms
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Anyone have an idea what is going on with 10.2 that may be causing this?
Every other site I try to load comes up just fine. Would appreciate any
suggestions--I need to access this site for my job. Thanks!

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I can not reach this site as well from my 10.2 i386 ( machine.

There may be something else - like misconfigured firewall or router or
web server. As the OP (Chip) says it is his work website, maybe he can
try to talk with their administrator, and review the firewall logs,
etc. Maybe these kernels produce some strange TCP packets or
something, and the FW rejects them. They may be strict to the
standards, and still to look like bad to some filtering software.


Svetoslav Milenov (Sunny)

Even the most advanced equipment in the hands of the ignorant is just
a pile of scrap.
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