On 2006-12-19 19:45, Felix Miata wrote:
> On 2006/12/19 19:18 (GMT-0600) Darryl Gregorash apparently typed:
Not "apparently" ;-)
>> BTW, Felix, you created the bug as normal severity. Shouldn't it be a
>> tad higher than that? I don't think it's quite a blocker, but it's
>> certainly major, IMO.
> https://bugzilla.novell.com/page.cgi?id=fields.html#bug_severity
> The way I read the instructions, the assignee should determine whether
> some deviation from normal is warranted for this particular bug. It's
> only major if you have to reach a particular site, which would make it a
> literal blocker for you. Zillions of other web sites don't produce the
> problem. In the overall scheme, this is more like trivial, which
> Mozilla's Bugzilla has, but not Novell's.
That isn't how I read it, particularly since my permissions allow me to
edit any bug field :-)

The OP could probably bump the bug up to P0, given that it's his work
site -- and for him, that is surely a major loss of function at least.

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