Tirsdag 19 desember 2006 23:10, skrev Torkild U. Resheim:
> Any chance beagled will _ever_ finish what it's doing and leave me in
> control of my computer? It's been using all of my CPU for two days and
> still going. It can't take that long to index a 60G disk.
> Since Zen have a similar behavior I start to wonder if the Mono developers
> are plotting to take over the world's CPU power and use it to impose .net
> on us all. I guess this is what the Novell/Microsoft deal was all about ;-)
Thanks for all the tips. I'll check them out although I guess I'll end up with 
uninstalling beagle and continue using find/grep/locate as usual.

The hamsters were funny :-D
Med vennlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Torkild Ulvøy Resheim

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