> Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 16:02:36 +0100 (CET)
> From: Norbert Paschedag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:  [suse-sles-e] SLES10 with hanging serial console
> Hi,
> we're using serial consoles on most servers for maintenance etc.
> This is usually no problem.
> Recently, however, we got our first SLES10 servers and almost
> immediately noticed annoying "hangs" during the boot or autoinstall
> phase, where the server simply stops and continues only after
> a keypress. This is particularly annoying since autoinstallation is
> about
> *not* having to press keys.
> The problem persists for all possible combinations of flow control
> and baud rates (9600 and 19200 were tested).
> This problem was not seen with SLES9 on the same hardware (and with the
> same serial cabling).
> Our configuration:
> Tyan S3992G3NR mobo with 3291 BMC
> SLES10 with recent patches installed ( kernel)
> BIOS (and only the BIOS) output redirected to COM1, 19200,8,n,1 with
> hw
> flow control
> Kernel cmdline: .... console=tty0 console=ttyS0,19200n8
> Has anyone else seen this behaviour and found a remedy ?

I apparently missed this when it was first posted to the list, and found
it via google, but don't see any followups.  We're seeing the same
problem.  Installs will hang on the serial console, pressing a key will
allow it to continue on for awhile.  We're different in that it's
SLES9-SP3 but using a kernel built from the SLES10 src.rpm, and we're
using no flow control.

I found a patch for RHEL4 kernel 2.6.9-42 that talks about fixing a
hanging serial console (from Alan Cox) but the changes to the file are
so great (even complete changes in struct types) that I can't get that
patched.  Looking at a newer RH kernel to see if the patch was updated
as time went on.

If anyone has a solution already though, it would be nice.

Mike Marion-Unix SysAdmin/Staff IT Engineer-http://www.qualcomm.com
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