John Andersen wrote:
On Tuesday 19 December 2006 12:01, S Glasoe wrote:
On Tuesday 19 December 2006 13:40, Gordon R. Keehn wrote:
    I just installed OpenSuSE 10.2 on a rather old box attached to my
home network via an even older 3C509 NIC.  The card is recognised and
configured correctly, and I have specified "Start at Boot", but whether
I select NetManager or ifup control I have to go into YAST after every
boot and set up the card manually to get it to start.  Is there any way
to cause it to be started automagically?
Gordon Keehn
That's an issue with that particular card IIRC. Google for that card and
those symptoms. I know there is a fix/work around out there which involves
loading the driver in a specific way or with specific parameters. I seem to
remember that it was due to the card's firmware that wasn't ever going to
be updated because it was too old even 6 years ago(?)...


Again I invoke Andersen's rule for all 3com nics....

1) Do not waste time with it...

2) Listen for the Plonk sound it makes as it hits the
   bottom of the trash can.

3) Replace with any $10 nic.

Thank you for your replies, especially the one from someone who can apparently drop $10 on a new NIC (actually, they're running around twice that here) whenever he chooses. Some of us are living with a tight budget.

The only items I found in Google were at least a year old, and mentioned changes to a file , /etc/dchpd.conf, which doesn't seem to exist in my system. I did find that bagging NetworkManager and entering

        ifdown eth0
followed by
        ifup eth0

as root, started networking. Just entering ifup alone gives several nastygrammes, which suggests that SOMETHING is getting loaded during startup. Next step is to try adding those commands to one of the startup scripts and see what happens.
Gordon Keehn

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