On Sat, 2006-12-23 at 16:42 +0100, Primm wrote:
> I have a zaapa usb external drive. I thought I could simply plug it in and 
> write to it. It does not show up under the kde 'my computer' as I expected it 
> would. Running evmsgui it shows as /dev/evms/sda but I've no idea how to 
> write to it. Why doesn't it simply show as /dev/sda? How can I get to use it?

Open a console as root and type:

# fdisk -l

Does it only show /dev/sda or is there a /dev/sda1 too?  If there is
only /dev/sda it means that there are no partitions on the disc.   You
can use fdisk to create a partition, then format ti with the filesystem
of your choice.

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