On Saturday 23 December 2006 16:09, Felix Miata wrote:
> On 2006/12/23 18:24 (GMT-0500) Michael S. Dunsavage apparently typed:
> > On Sat, 2006-12-23 at 18:03 -0500, Felix Miata wrote:
> >> I installed wv and wv2 with YaST, but they haven't shown up in the
> >> menus, and wv from konsole gives command not found, even though
> >> rpm claims they're installed. I can't find wv in /bin, /sbin,
> >> /usr/bin or /usr/sbin. :-(
> >
> > whereis wv
> Nothing useful there, just /usr/share/wv with a bunch of xml files.

Then it's installed. Keep "apropos" or "man -k" in your repertoire:

% apropos wv
wvdialconf (1)       - build a configuration file for wvdial (1)
wvWare (1)           - convert msword documents
wvAbw (1)            - convert msword documents to Abiword's format
wvDVI (1)            - convert msword documents to DVI
wvHtml (1)           - convert msword documents to HTML4.0
wvLatex (1)          - convert msword documents to LaTeX
wvCleanLatex (1)     - convert msword documents to LaTeX
wvPDF (1)            - convert msword documents to PDF
wvPS (1)             - convert msword documents to PS
wvRTF (1)            - convert msword documents to RTF
wvText (1)           - convert msword documents to text
wvWml (1)            - convert msword documents to WML
nwvolinfo (1)        - Diplay info on NetWare Volumes
wvdial (1)           - PPP dialer with built-in intelligence.
wvMime (1)           - view MSWord documents
wvSummary (1)        - view word document's summary info
wvVersion (1)        - view word document's version #
wvline (3ncurses)    - create curses borders, horizontal and vertical lines
mvwvline (3ncurses)  - create curses borders, horizontal and vertical lines
mvwvline_set (3ncurses) - create curses borders or lines using complex 
characters and renditions
wvline_set (3ncurses) - create curses borders or lines using complex characters 
and renditions
wvdial.conf (5)      - wvdial configuration file

Obviously some of these are irrelevant, but I'm too lazy to edit them
out right now.

Judging from the synopses, "wvWare" is the main command to use:

% man wvWare
wvWare converts word documents into other formats such as 

Randall Schulz
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