Karl Agee wrote:
--- Verner Kjærsgaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Lørdag 23 december 2006 19:16 skrev Karl Agee:
I've seen only a few posts on successful upgrades
10.0 to opensuse 10.2, anyone have any further
experiences/words of wisdom before I "take the

Yes, I do have a complete backup made in case it
goes foobar.
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I just went ahead and did it a couple of days ago.
In fact, I did NOT upgrade my DELL laptop (M90 Precision), I just installed it over SuSE10 - but WITHOUT formatting my /home partition.
It worked flawlessly well.

I then re-installed, either from old downloads or
new ones, a few of my very much used programmes, i.e. zend, datafold and

The only hitch I had was smbmount not being there.
This list advised me to use cifs instead to mount my VPN remote samba shares. That worked perfectly fine too.

YMMV though :-)

Med venlig hilsen/Best regards
Verner Kjærsgaard
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The upgrade went extremely_smoothly!  Better than
anything from Microsoft.  It did delete some programs
I had installed myself like ncftp client but
re-installing those was trival.  Also, had to
reinstall mplayer and update w32codecs so I could play
mp3's.  Looking good so far.

Smart-gui isnt working well so I'm just using yast to
install software from sources.  No problems there.


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So far I have updated two machines from 10.1 to 10.2. Everything worked pretty much flawlessly, except I had to perform the upgrade in text mode. The only big headache I had was getting a set of repositories together for the packages I use for 10.2 - now that that is done, using smart works great, and I have been able to upgrade everything I use.


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