On Tuesday December 26 2006 11:59 am, Mike McMullin wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-12-25 at 18:46 -0500, Fred A. Miller wrote:
> > On Monday December 25 2006 10:47 am, Mike McMullin wrote:
> > > > But Ken, your federal government must have used some other OS before
> > > > switching to Linux which means that 'they' are a fickle lot and will
> > > > switch from Linux at a drop of a hat. If they abandoned the other OS
> > > > then they will abandon Linux given the appropriate excuses.
> > >
> > >   Part of it is cost, part of it is security.  The release of Vista
> > > seems to indicate the end of the MS monolithic desktop, can their
> > > server software be far behind?
> >
> > I question if Vista really is the "end" of the MS momolithic desktop.
> > From my brief hands on with it, I'd disagree. ;)
>   (MS)ZD-Net was commenting that the length of time and cost to produce
> Vista could mark this type of softwares end. Supposedly there was a team
> of 12 to 25 individuals just to handle the log-out/switch user aspect.
> Either end of that number seems a good deal of folk.

MickySoft's No. 1 problem is that they code "by committee." VERY FEW there 
have even seen all of the code to any given application or OS. And, because 
the code isn't open, there aren't the number of "eyes" reviewing code, thus 
all the bugs that their software is rightly known for.


MickySoft, the ultimate corporate parasite.
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