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The Monday 2007-01-01 at 01:08 +1100, Basil Chupin wrote:

> In Firefox - which is the, or one of the, browsers under discussion the
> default place where files are downloaded to if nothing is deliberately set is
> the Desktop. Check it out for yourself.
> If you do NOT have any file associations set in FF and you come across a pdf
> file *for the first time* and click on it, FF will give you a menu where you
> have a choice of what to do with that pdf file. If you simply choose to
> download it then FF will do this:

No, we choose to open.

> - if you have set a download directory for *any* downloads
> (Edit/Preferences/Downloads) then this pdf file - which WILL have a specific
> name, and not a random name as you mention above - will be downloaded into the
> set download directory;

The OP is not talking about file downloads, even if he mistakenly said so 
at first. Nor am I. We are both talking about opening a file from inside 
the browser, clicking on it. He confirmed this later.

Just try to _open_ a pdf file. It will be downloaded to somewhere first 
behind the scenes, and you will not be asked where. But if you check, you 
will see that it is somewhere in /tmp - regardless of where downloaded 
files normally go (you see that if you select "save" from inside acrobat 
when the file is finally displayed). The _open_ function is different, in 
theory they are deleted right after.

> - if you do NOT have a set download directory then FF will download the file
> to the default destination which is Desktop.
> > The OP is asking how to change that destination to be somewhere under his
> > home folder instead.
> All one has to do is set the damn destination in Preferences in FF! :-) .

No, that does not work for OPEN.

- -- 
       Carlos E. R.
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