On Monday 01 January 2007 00:46, Randall R Schulz wrote:
> On Sunday 31 December 2006 20:25, BandiPat wrote:
> > ...
> >
> > I'm thinking the fog over the bay and that in your head are closely
> > related.  In your own mind, I can understand how you would believe
> > such things.
> Would you explain why you are trying to be so nasty to me? I have
> only represented my opinions, backed up by facts, about why I think
> the oft-repeated animus towards ASUS is unwarranted. But for some
> reason, you are bent upon attacking me with baseless and irrelevant
> accusations and innuendo. Why?
You started it Randy, you always do.  You attack then expect the reader 
not to react.  You came into a conversation with the attitude everybody 
else was wrong that had an opinion and you were right.  You do that a 
lot on this list.  You seem to want to insert yourself or your ill 
thoughts into more threads than is necessary, yet you continue to do 
so.  You are either making someone mad or trying to with your comments.  
I think most here would agree, your thoughts and nastiness is not 
needed in a lot of the threads you feel you need to participate in.

I can only guess you are bored with life and yourself that you need the 
attention by doing these things.  Your statement last evening proves 
you have a high opinion of yourself, in your own mind, but I dare say 
that's not how the rest of us view you.  That's why we find you 

Randy Quote:
> All that matters here is knowledge and experience, and clearly mine
> exceed yours and that of the typical poster here by a large factor.

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