On 1/4/07, Sargon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thursday, 4 January 2007 06:35, James Knott wrote:

And the F3 does work for us on some machines (not all), but that was
not the original problem I asked about.

I understood from what James wrote on his system it does not work at all.

In previous versions one could manually add the parameters (i.e.,
PROFILE=profile_name) into
and > GRUB's menu.list, thus building a nice boot menu for different
environments. Those parameters are ignored in 10.2, which means
training users that there will be a different way to boot the laptop
(and more calls to the help desk, frustration for end-users: not a
pretty situation).

I unpacked /boot/message of my laptop:

cpio -i </boot/message

and one of the files I've got is "profiles".
In my case it contains
home PROFILE=home
*office PROFILE=office

Also SCPM man page mentions parameter PROFILE=profile_to_boot_into on
LILO/GRUB command line.

I typed PROFILE=home in "options" line and yes, system booted with
"home" profile.

Mark Goldstein
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