On Wed, Jan 03, 2007 at 12:08:52PM -0800, Curtis Rey wrote:
> a config issue with wine/Cedega.  Or it may be the permissions as well.  Also 
> If you're running AppArmor - Don't!  It can interfer with apps and /dev 

AppArmor only mediates confined programs, and the default set of profiles
we provide is pretty slim. (Check /etc/apparmor.d/ to see what is confined
by default. Check ps auxZ output to see what is currently confined. Check
unconfined(8) to see a list of what network services are confined.)

If AppArmor _is_ denying access to your files for one of your programs,
you can easily resolve the problem by running either YaST's "Update
Profile Wizard" or the terminal-friendly aa-logprof(8) and answering the

> access - it's designed for Enterprise/network servers with access to the 
> outside world - generally overkill for home users and non-servers.

Depends on your applications. :)

If you run clamav, apache2-mod_php4, MozillaFirefox, opera, ethereal,
phpMyAdmin, squid, apache2, squirrelmail, mailman, MozillaThunderbird,
gaim, gpg, mozilla, mysql, or postgresql, you may wish to run AppArmor
and write profiles for those applications, to try to protect yourself
from the buggiest applications.

(This list compiled from programs that required five or more updates
during the support lifetime of SuSE Linux 9.2. I'm sure this list will
change over time, and it isn't meant to be exhaustive -- just giving
guidelines of the worst offenders. :)


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