Hi Carlos!

Carlos E. R. wrote:
The Saturday 2007-01-06 at 12:42 +0400, Sergey Mkrtchyan wrote:

Paifull way of working on the other sides of the planet. Friend, who I'm
working with, each time makes that all calculations by hand then scan it and
send it to me as pdf. Slow process...

He could use a graphic format as png. Ah, have a look at the djvu format: it is designed for scanned material, not as pdf. The problem is creation, not simple.

Will drop that idea to him ;) I guess he has configured his scanner to produce pdf automatically, not sure though.

You need to create a diferent signature in plain text. Use a diferent
profile for the list, which uses plain text and sig.
I've configured TB in a way that it sends to this list only plain text
messages. The question actually was how to create a signature in plain text.
How it is usually done? (newbie, maybe)

By hand, not program. There are some ascii art programs around, but I haven't tried.

Ok, I've already regitered to opensuse-test list ;), now playing there with it. Seems that problem is in my mail provider web-page, not general one.

By the way, I liked "identities" in TB very much. Didn't know about them before. Good thing.

Thank you very much again.


A----T   Sergey Mkrtchyan,
 C---G   Master Student,
  G-C    Department Of Molecular Physics,
 T---A   Faculty Of Physics, Yerevan State University
A----T   e-mail: mksergey[at]freenet[dot]am
G---C    web: http://users.freenet.am/~mksergey
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