> I'm looking for some free software that will allow me to have a real time
> mirror (one way) from one machine to another.  Rsync is not an
> acceptable solution.

If you want real realtime, consider using a network-raid system as DRDB 
(http://www.drbd.org/) or maybe md on top of nbd (network block device).

Some more possibilities listed at http://www.topology.org/linux/raid.html 
unter the header "Network Raid".

David Mayr
 SUSE Linux Products GmbH - a Novell business
      R&D / inttools
      Simply change!
 Maxfeldstrasse 5, D-90409 Nürnberg
 http://opensuse.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

David Mayr
LunaBOX Network Solutions
 Haubensteigweg 55
 D-87439 Kempten
 TelNr: 0831-5124808
 FaxNr: 0831-5124809
 Mobil: 0172-8673184
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