On 01/09/2007 Digvijoy Chatterjee wrote:
> on a more realistic front though.... for whatever practical reasons
> mainly  Hardware vendors not readily embracing OpenSource or OpenSuse
> ;-)
> somebody who has bought that wrong laptop and wants to run
> linux.now..can easily give up with a very sad excuse like :
> "Ah Linux just doesnt work on my laptop" ....
> again not trying to be rude ...but am I being really mean if I
> speculate 20-30% of first time Linux users give up for lack of "stuff
> not working" and fallback on that M$ thing...and live happily ever
> after...

We just bought a pair of eMachines/Gateways. They have ATI video cards.
So far I haven't found a video setting that will allow me to use SuSE [
10.1 ] on mine. For the time being I've pretty much given up on having
SuSE on it. One of these days I will try something else to get it up and

The setup/install screens look really good, but I don't know the
settings that setup uses. Something very generic I'm sure. Anyone happen
to know?

The install instructions for the ATI card drivers on the ATI website
might as well be written in Martian for all I can decipher them.
Something about holding your left ankle in your right hand and sticking
your left thumb in your right ear while standing on your right leg,
hopping up and down, and pushing the enter key with your nose. OK, so
that's a little extreme, but it might as well say something like that. I
know that's not technically a SuSE problem, but..........

I'm a "newbie". I've only been using SuSE for about a year. I can now
"sometimes" get a tar ball installed if I have to. I can "sometimes"
resolve some minor issue [ that most here can probably do with their
eyes closed, but takes me days ]. I'm not a gamer or a "power user".
Mostly I do e-mail, my genealogy stuff, web pages, and surf.

I'm trying to set up Twpsk on this machine to do PSK31 with my ham radio
but having some sound card issues that I can't quite figure out yet.
Before I killed 10.0 I had everything working but the serial port. It
said I didn't have "permission" to use it. About the time I think I got
that to work, but didn't have a chance to check, I killed 10.0 and had
to either reinstall or upgrade, so I installed 10.1. OH well, every
failure is a learning experience.

It's these sorts of silly little issues that made me give up on the
boxed version of 9.0 Pro that I tried a few years ago. Over the past
year I have "broken" 10.0 three or four times. So far I haven't broken
10.1, but I have only had it a couple months. I'm sure I can/will break
it sometime.

Billie Walsh
The three best words in the English Language:
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